Consulting, Education, and Training
-Want a second opinion on maintenance your shop is recommending?
-Need help in an AOG situation?
-Want your engine data read professionally?
We’ll do all this in a consultative role. No contracts, no autopay subscriptions, and no membership required! We’ll just bill you as our services are utilized.
Just a plug for professional engine data analysis: Whether Emax, JPI, or Perspective, your engine data is rich in useful information. When read professionally, we can detect equipment malfunctions and operator errors and recommend repairs or procedural changes to avoid the impending results. Valuable beyond belief, worth the investment, and inexpensive diagnostic medicine!
Education and Training
Engine Management
Just take a flight with Jim and he'll tell you how best to operate your engine to maximize efficiency and maintain safety.
Over the years, Jim has taught several classes at various events, including classes on:
- owner maintenance
- pre-flight inspection
- engine management
Service Clinics
Another one-on-one opportunity where we look over your plane and give you suggestions of maintenance needed and a general report of the condition of your plane.