SureFly Ignition Module

SureFly Electronic IgnitionWhat and Why
The SureFly Ignition Module (SIM) is a FAA-certified electronic solid-state magneto replacement, usually replacing the left magneto.  The unit has a service life up to 2,400 hours and never needs to be opened up, rebuilt, or overhauled, unlike a traditional magneto that “requires” a 500-hour inspection.

The SureFly perfectly controls timing at TDC below 400 RPM, which, combined with longer spark duration and the option to use wider gapped spark plugs, makes starting a breeze!  This also minimizes wear on your starter and battery.

Each engine’s base timing advance is set in the SIM at installation.  Its fixed logic eliminates “software,” which means there is never anything to “update.”  The manifold pressure timing advance schedule is hard-set at the factory to provide the highest possible combustion efficiency.  However, we tested this feature on the high air flow efficient Continental cross-flow cylinders utilized on the Cirrus and found it resulted in unacceptable CHT temps and will no longer endorse this feature for application on the Cirrus.*

With minimal moving parts and solid-state electronics, there are no points, condensers, or rotors to fail.  Made to run to engine TBO or 2,400 hours, the SureFly operates down to 9 volts – far below the aircraft’s avionics system operation range.

Our Experience
Since it’s introduction, we’ve installed over 85 SureFly Ignition Modules in Cirrus aircraft (at last count).  We’ve also developed a custom ignition harness from PMA’d parts and an installation technique that optimizes engine performance on the Cirrus, including pressurizing for the high-altitude requirements of the T/TN system.  The harness is a custom length to be able to convert the engine from a cross-fire to a non-cross-fire ignition system.  This allows the benefits of the SureFly to counter the difficulties of the bottom spark plug operation.  We also insist on utilizing fine wire spark plugs with expanded gaps for consistent spark arcs and long life.  Rest assured, we’ve worked very closely with SureFly since our first installation in April 2019 to make their system work great on the Cirrus.  Now on Revision F, the bugs have been worked out!

Are you still on the fence about installing a SureFly Ignition Module?  We’re not!

*We specialize in the Cirrus aircraft; some details here are specific and nuanced to this aircraft system and may not reflect any other aircraft or engine configuration.